Virtual Smart Cards in Punjab for Vehicle Registration

Virtual Smart Cards in Punjab

The Punjab Excise Department is jumping into the digital realm due to the delay in issuing physical vehicle registration cards. To simplify the process and reduce delays, the Punjab government plans to introduce virtual smart cards for vehicle registration.

Smart Cards  Backlog

Earlier, the excise department was struggling to issue new cards. The excise department issued more than 80,000 registration cards before the temporary extension. The department has issued tenders late to avoid stalling, but progress beyond the technical proposal stage has been slow.

The current dilemma is seeing the excise department backlog with 2.5 million number plates.

Virtual Smart Cards in Punjab

Adding to the complexity, the cost of smart registration cards for cars and motorcycles in Punjab is expected to increase significantly. This increase is due to a significant increase in the exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Pakistan Rupee. In 2018, it was issued with a dollar value of Rs.140, there was an astronomical growth, now over Rs.280.

Virtual Smart Cards

To solve the problem of delay, the excise department is considering an alternative approach by introducing virtual smart cards. This card will be a digital counterpart to the traditional physical registration card and can be obtained online.

Swift Approval Needed

The excise department has sent a brief to the provincial government for approval for the implementation of virtual smart cards. Once approved, this digital solution will be launched quickly, offering car owners a convenient and efficient way to complete their registration.

Online Convenience for Citizens

With a virtual smart cards, citizens can complete their vehicle registration online. The Excise Department website will provide downloadable cards and provide easy access to all vehicle owners in the province.

Doorstep Service and Helpline

In an additional effort to improve convenience, the excise department has recently introduced a door-to-door service for vehicle registration. By calling the Punjab Information Technology Board on 080008786, peoples can also request door-to-door service to department representatives to complete the registration process.

Have you received your smart card or not? Do you think this new virtual process will make it easier to get it? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

Also check: Vehicle Registration in Punjab From the Comfort of Your Home

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