Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan – The Ultimate Guide 2023

Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan

Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan – With the world’s fifth largest population, Pakistan has always struggled to meet its growing energy needs. Hydel has experimented with nuclear, coal and now solar and wind power energy plants. While the country has successfully built infrastructure to meet its growing energy needs, it has often failed to produce electricity at low or affordable cost. In short, even if the country can meet its energy requirements adequately, it cannot meet them with limited financial resources. So the question is, what to do in such situation…

One way to get ahead, even if it’s not easy, is to live within one’s mean. This requires some energy conservation. Simply put, if electricity costs Rs.X per unit, which is beyond the reach of many Pakistani households and businesses, it is better to cut money to make it cheaper. For this purpose, many successive governments in Pakistan have formulated energy conservation schemes and plans effective July 1, 2023.

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Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan

In the new energy efficiency plan, only energy efficient fans will be allowed for production and sale in the country. So now how do you identify an energy efficient fan? We will answer these questions in this blog and list some options available in the market today with prices.

Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan
Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan

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What is an Energy Saver or Energy Efficient Fan?

According to the standards set by the Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), a fan that consumes less than 80 Watts is an energy efficient fan. However, fans who spend less than 80 Watts get better value in market. So fans consuming less than 80 Watts get a 1 star rating and fans between 45 and 50 Watts get high star rating. Inverter AC fans are also called as energy efficient fans.

So, now that we have covered the basics, let’s identify the energy saving fans in the current Pakistani market and find out the current average prices.

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Royal Fans

Royal Fans has the Royal Smart Lifestyle series of ceiling and AC / DC Inverter pedestal fans. The company claims that these fans consume less than 55 Watts, saving your fans 60% in electricity. There are many fans of this series and the price ranges from 12,000 to 18,000.

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G.F.C. Fans 

G.F.C. offers “Solar Fans” in variety of pedestal and ceiling fans. The company claims these fans consume less than 80 Watts. The price is between 10,000 and 12,000, with pedestal fans in cheaper prices.

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Super Asia Fans

Unlike many of other local competitors, Super Asia does not offer a separate category for energy-saving fans. As company claims all of their fans consume the minimum amount of power, it does not go into high Watts. Price wise, fans of Super Asia Royal and G.F.C. are almost the same between range of 12,000 to 18,000.

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Pak Fans

In addition to the Pak Fan’s AC/DC Solar Series, you can find energy-saving fans in the Classic Series, Executive Series, Pedestal Fans, and Table Fan Series. Pak Fan AC/DC Solar Fan Series currently offers a wide range of ceiling fans priced between Rs.10,000 and Rs.12,000. Classic series fans cost between Rs.9,000 and Rs.11,000. The executive series fans are priced between Rs.12,000 and Rs.15,000.

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Conclusion (Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan)

As a result, not every fan marketed as energy efficient is actually energy efficient; It is important to check the wattage of the fan before buy it. Also, just because a company claims the fan is energy efficient, you can still check the wattages to make sure. In addition, you should check the Watts which should be less than 80 Watts to save more on energy.

Are you looking to sell your old items? Sell them fast here: Pakistan’s emerging classifieds website.

Thanks to modern technology, most fans today consume less than 80 Watts, even if they are not listed as energy efficient by their manufacturers. So don’t go by what the fan packs or what the seller says. Look at the wattage.

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Best Energy Saver Fans in Pakistan

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Also Read: How to save money on energy: What you need to know and energy-saving tips that work

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